Step 1 for a new High Streets Ministerā€¦?

Nationally the headline ā€˜empty shopsā€™ vacancy rate is around 14%.

📉 Could the new Levelling Up team set as a target to drop that into single figuresā€¦?

I believe so. We know how to do this.

🗝️ A starting point is for all the places with empty unit rates in the mid-high teens and especially those over 20% to get a tackling vacancy-focused ā€˜place partnershipā€™ on the case.

Itā€™s why our number one #HighstreetsManifesto suggestion was:

ā€œAsk (and resource) every local authority to report on vacancy numbers twice a year, and work with agents, landlords, businesses, community and BID where there is one to overcome barriers to letā€¦ā€

Itā€™d be awesome to hear a new High Streets Minister commit to that.

☹️ Empty units do sooooo much harm to our town and city centres: on pride in place, reputation, footfall, investment and environment.

Thereā€™s a long list of reasons why theyā€™re like that but also as many proven ways the place can start to fix it.

🎨 ā€¦and weā€™ve a much longer list now of go-to options to fill the spaces: arts & crafts, creative, culture, community, leisure, education, health & wellbeing alongside #retail, #hospitality & services plus office and resi (mostly) for upper floors.

We know that places can cut their #highstreet empty shops rate in half or better in 18 months. Some will drop it to churn level (under 5%).

🤳🏽 If vacancy is a troubling issue in your place, weā€™ll happily talk you thru itā€¦!

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