By chance out & about on successive days in locations that place branding specialists would I think include those two words in any brief for.
🚈 So while you’re in a town centre should you see references to its #heritage – or indeed any other aspect of its history – and importantly, from our #TheVacantShopsAcademy perspective, can it play a positive part in tackling #highstreet vacancy…?
🤳🏽 I’d be really interested to hear from #placemaking friends who are using something like this as a central element of their approach…?
🎨 Maybe a local studies centre, museum, installations, #streetart, exhibition, blue plaque trail and – something we’re especially keen to see – making use of a previously vacant unit or several. Or do you have other great examples of history & heritage playing a part in your place today…?
It’s been a really interesting feature of conversations in Crewe so far as part of our work exploring #popup and ‘meanwhile… use’ options there.
🤔 Is it in your town…?
🙏 Thank you to all those who’ve been in touch and taken time to meet already or suggested other connections. Exciting times…!