1.5 tonnes of CO2 saved…

Two years on.

Picking up a journeys thread from our good #highstreet #placemaking friend Chris Wade FIPM at People, Places & Parking Process on the theme of sustainable travel.

Having committed to travelling by train to #TheVacantShopsAcademy locations wherever possible, it was interesting to see the App stats on the second anniversary of our first logged ‘out & about’…

  • 111 trips
  • 12,458 miles travelled by train;
  • 1.5 tonnes of CO2 saved.

🌏 I’m not technical enough to know how valuable that is, but it’s a contribution, no…?

Chris is now doing some really good work with places on a range of active travel options and their impact, as part of the bigger story of how our town and city centres as a whole can do more on sustainability.

It’s really important insight, and something we’d encourage more places to explore.

🅿️ For our part we’re always talking to locations about arrival points – train, bus, car, bike whatever – to assess the welcome, the wayfinding & signage to the #retail and #hospitality centre, whether it takes visitors the route you’d most like them to choose, and the ‘first impressions’ they get on that journey.

It may all seem a distance from tackling vacancy but these can all be factors for sure.

🤔 It would be great to see any similar data sets you’re collecting…?

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