Learning from our parks…?

Time spent in the park on a tackling #highstreet empty shops commission ‘audit’ day is just sitting down on the job, right…?

Well, we did that, but it’s thought-provoking also.

  • What lessons from the way the park is looked after and signed and promoted are there for the ‘town centre’…?
  • As it’s just a short walk away, how do we tempt people who are there to go on and support the #retail, #hospitality, services and other businesses in the centre…?
  • And, crucially maybe, could the two work together better as a collective, collaborating part of the place offer…?

Tho on this out & about with #TheVacantShopsAcademy the time spent was in parks, it’s a similar conversation for those with, say a nearby castle or racecourse or…?

Interested as ever to hear #placemaking colleagues thoughts…

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