Empty buildings, alternative uses…

Arts & crafts, creative, culture, community, leisure, education, health & wellbeing.

🔑 A list of ‘alternative uses’ that could occupy vacant #highstreet units alongside #retail, #hospitality, services and (hopefully more for upper floors) office or residential.

All of them feature in our ‘next steps’ narrative suggestions as potential targets for locations we’re working with #TheVacantShopsAcademy.

🤔 But how much of a part can they play…?

  • Might they be as significant as a potential new anchor is some places;

🏢 Are they candidates to take on large units or smaller ones. Could they take over several on one street or in a shopping centre;

  • Will they offer the covenant landlords are looking for;
  • Do they need extra support or funding to negotiate their way through the challenges of securing a space.

The answers are likely to vary by use type and with the places themselves.

🗣️ It’d be great to hear what #property colleagues think as well as those already making these uses a reality in our town and city centres.

📸 This theme was very much part of the conversation on an enjoyable and insightful out & about with #placemaking and #community friends in Swindon town centre, where you can see the contribution some of those uses are already making, and the kind of buildings that might be future options….!

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